Doctor Iram Siddik-Ahmad, MD is a board certified OB/GYN physician practicing at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), a large Silicone Valley hospital based practice. Her practice focuses on the care of underserved women, the education of medical students from Stanford University School of Medicine, and the training of resident physicians in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Doctor Iram is also actively involved in Quality Assurance in Inpatient Obstetrics at SCVMC.
After encountering numerous patients with very little understanding about their own health, or with incorrect or incomplete knowledge from internet searches and family and friends, Doctor Iram recognized the need for an accessible resource that women can trust to provide accurate medical information and education. Working with underserved and low socioeconomic populations has made it clear that only through a full understanding of their medical conditions can women make informed healthcare decisions and comply with the recommended treatments and maintenance screening and therapy. To this end, was born.
Please note that is in no way affiliated with Santa Clara Valley Medical Center or with Stanford University School of Medicine. Content on solely reflects the views and opinions of Dr. Iram Siddik-Ahmad, and in no way reflects the views and opinions of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center or Stanford University.